A wink of the eyes.
On May 7 it’s my goal to cheer the allied forces at the Dam. I’m standing near the Grote Club nearby the man-sized barbed wire, were on one side a German soldier walks with a gun and on the other side a member of the Domestic Armed Forces with a stengun over his shoulder. I saw how they give each other a wink.
It’s about 14:55PM. Two minutes later the fire started, while I unsuspected enjoyed of all those people. A few minutes later the balcony doors on the first floor opened and hell breaks loose. I searched for a safe place, not the Kalverstraat but I fled into the NIeuwendijk.
There was a barricade of people who were lying down to avoid the bullets. I dived into the mass but I’m almost choking, as fast as I can, I went to the window side of the Ersatzburo of the SS on the corner.
The shop window cracked by the crowd. I crawled over the pieces of glass inside the shop and walked on, with a bleeding wound on my thumb.
My sister and Jewish foster-brother are in the meanwhile in the alley of Woltering. I’m going home to Amsterdam-Noord
Published in Oud Amsterdammer, 13 mei 2014