P.K. Marquenie

In 1968 Mr. P.K.Marquenie wrote a letter to L.de Jong.

A part of the letter is taking-over from the work of De Jong, The Kingdom of the Netherlands in the Second World War. Part 10b, page 1422 and 1423. The rest of the letter of De Jong will be looked up by the NIOD.
In this the following:”
Screen Shot 2014-11-25 at 13.27.48at the Dam, close by the balcony of the Grote Club, stood, according to his imagination, a truck. On this truck stood a couple of women, who, under great hilarity, were shown to the public, because they had a relation with Germans. These women were brought before a kind of tribunal.
The heads were close-cropped and covered with red lead. This happened not very gentle. The blood streamed over their faces. The women screamed and cried for help. It all happened under the eyes of the Germans.
The Germans shouted to leave them alone, but that didn’t occur. The Domestic Armed Forces walked around the Palace. Some of them stood by the barrel organ with loaded guns. The tumult and screaming of the women became louder. A shot sounded. The Germans shot over the heads. The Domestic Armed Forces searched for cover behind the barrel organ and shot in the direction of the balcony, diagonally over their heads”.

In a broadcast from AT5, Amsterdams Peil (a.o. broadcasted on May 5 2005) Marquenie and his wife are heard.

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Scenes taken from documentary “Hidden Camera”. It is not certain that these images are shot at May 7 1945.

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