Johannes Wilhelmus Saelman – Jan

* Amsterdam August 22 1881
† Amsterdam May 7 1945

jw-saelmanwwwJohannes Wilhelmus Saelman was born Amsterdam August 22nd 1881 as one of eight children of Joseph Frederik Saelman and Johanna Maria Feijen.  His profession was smith, just as his father was, and married October 21nd 1903 with Maria Röhner; 9 months later their only daughter was born. After a divorce in 1927 he remarried the same year with Jacoba van Heijningen; he divorced her in 1941 and remarried Louise Wilhelmine Weber.

Johannes Wilhelmus Saelman died May 7th 1945, 18.00 hours, age 63.

Daughter Johanna Maria emigrated shortly after her marriage with J.J. van Pareen, together with her mother Maria Röhner, in 1928 to California and became two children. She died in 2006 at the age of 102.

Grandson John Jacob van Pareen (79) let us know from California: “Yes indeed. My grandfather was a victim of the Dam-shooting. I remember de day she heard here in California about the death of her father, at that time I was 11 years old. My mother always told me that he was present and there was a sudden shooting of gunfire from the roof of a building. Her father was shot.”

photograph of JW Saelman, used by kind permission of his relatives

photograph of JW Saelman, used by kind permission of his grandson John van Pareen










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