* Amsterdam April 30 1901
† Amsterdam May 7 1945
Johannes (Joop) Willem Straatmijer, Hendrik and Anna Geertruida Stradmeijer’s son, had a flower and plant stall at the Lindengracht market, and probably also at the Dam on May 7, 1945. He was 44 when he died that day at 3.15 pm as a result of multiple gunshot wounds.
Joop was married to Henriette Catharina Jansen 1905-1977 and they had one son; the family lived at Tweede Nassaustraat 13-1. After her husband’s death, Anna married Evert Johannes Siebers 1901-1952.
Ludmilla van Santen, our project member, was able to get in touch with Joop Straatmijer’s son and other family members who came forward.
Another Joop Straatmeijer (1934) (the name has an extra E) replied to our appeal for information in the Oud-Amsterdammer:
When I was 10 years old I lived on the other side of the IJ harbor in Amsterdam North. There were festivities on the Dam so of course I went there. I walked to the Dam via the Central Station. Suddenly there were gunshots from the Groote Club. I ran to the Nieuwendijk and yelled to a barber that they were shooting. After that I hurried on home. Just recently I discovered that a relative of mine got shot there. His name was J.W. Straatmijer and he had a flower stall on the Dam. He was only 46 years old.
In the photo below by Cas Oorthuys it can be seen that people are picking up flowers still in paper. It is possible that these came from Straatmijer’s stand.

Copyright: Cas Oorthuys, collectie Nederlands Fotomuseum