Arie Johannes Veldhoen was born on November 1 1934 at the 1e Kostverlorenkade 9, son of Johanna Margaretha Bläser and Arie Veldhoen, also an artist.
On May 7 1945, Aat, a ten year old boy, was also present at the Dam. He stood in front of the entrance of the Nieuwe Kerk when the shooting started.
In addition to the report of the NPO in 2004 (below), member of the board, Ludmilla van Santen, paid a visit to Aat Veldhoen and talked with him in his studio-home about his experiences of that day.
We lived at the Bloemgracht 40. Naturally I also wanted to go to the Dam, it was party time. We were not allowed to go, I did go, but my twin sister and my younger sister stayed at home.

Photo: J.W. Hofman, collection City archive Amsterdam. Behind the Royal Palace / Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal
When the shooting started I stood in the porch of the Nieuwe Kerk. The crowd came towards me, but the door was locked, we couldn’t move. Via the Mozes and Aäronstraat I arrived at the Spui and saw on the corner of the Spuistraat that a German truck with SS-ers drove in to the people, there were no casualties, I believe. People were banging on doors but nobody let them in. There was a small shop were they worked with wood, filled with people. I was little and found a hiding place under a table. The smell of wood always reminds me of it. Looking back I don’t understand that somebody could earn their living in that time. It was late when everybody was gone. A scout asked “where do you have to go, son” and brought me home. I didn’t get hurt, but I was afraid. The fear…….
In 1987 Aat Veldhoen made a sculpture in memory of the shooting. He presented it to the authorities of Amsterdam but it was rejected by them. In the novel “De roes van het Scheppen” he made the following impression
Documentary with o.a. Aat Veldhoen, NPO Network May 3 2004