Imagenumber: 71890
Collection: NIOD
Caption: Amsterdam: The Dam-incident.Liberation day. Spuistraat corner Paleisstraat.
Image Date: May 7 1945 Photographer: J.M.J. Coesel
J.M.J. Coesel was an amateur photographer who happened to take this picture. Many people believe that this shows the cause of the shooting spree on Dam Square. There is also a movie, showing the two Germans being taken away by members of the B.S. Quote from “De Dam 7 mei 1945” (written by Flip Bool en Veronica Hekking): On the corner of Paleisstraat and Spuistraat (streets close to Dam Square) two German soldiers were apprehended. Amateur photographer J.M.J. Coesel, walking from his home at Hendrik Jacobszstraat to Dam Square, managed to take a quick snapshot of the arrest. On the back of the printed picture is written Liberation Day 1945, corner of Spuistraat and Paleisstraat in Amsterdam. Joseph Maria Johannes Coesel was born in 1909 in Amsterdam. He passed away in 1990 in Overveen. Late 2013 other photographs, made by Frans J. van Dam, were discovered, also depicting the arrest
This is a still from a film, kept by the Amsterdam City Archives, made by A. Remmers and B. Jansen. It shows both German soldiers being taken away