Franciscus Emilius Schaut

Franciscus Emilius (Frans) Schaut 1927-2010

Frans Schaut was 17 years old and was one of the injured persons who were brought in to the first aid post of the Binnengasthuis on May 7 1945.

*Frans Schaut was a friend of A.J.Jansen, Jansen wrote  his testimony in 2004 and called Frans ‘Schouten’(it turned out to be ‘Schaut’) in a letter, it is in our position since 2013 through the letters of Dora Budde. Frans Schaut died in 2010. Recently the match was completed and both families were informed.


His brother Emile:
We lived at the Kometensingel. Frans went with a few friends to the Dam; he was nearby the Bijenkorf, were he would be safe around the corner, when he got hit in his thigh bone by a so called dum-dum bullet. The wound was an inch wide, but was exploded inside his leg, the wound was 3 inches wide.

I went with a friend and his sister to the Dam, but when we arrived at the back of the Central Station, at the Ruyterkade near the ferry, a lot of people came towards us, so we went back. Coming home my brother wasn’t there and my father went looking for him; he found him in the Binnengasthuis. My brother laid there for six weeks but when he came home the wound was still open. By my knowledge he had no psychical or mental limitations.


His daughter Joke:
I know that he ran away from the Dam because they were shooting form the Grote Club, he fled in the directions of the Bijenkorf and a bullet was hit in his left thigh bone and he laid in the Binnengasthuis for a long time.The friend with the name Janssen is not familiar to me. My father’s birthday was in July, so he was almost 18 years old when the War was over, he was small of shape and that’s why they took him for 16 years old.

I think I recognize my father on the two photos below.

Photos taken by Hans Sibbelee, collection Dutch Photomuseum.

Photo below is taken on July 29 1945 (it is written at the backside), he walks in the middle. The two others are his best friends, on the left cross-eyed Maquinee(no idea how you write it, but you pronounce it as Makkinee) [ed. =Joop Marquenie, the youngest brother of Pieter Karel Marquenie] and on the right Daan van Dalen from the Vegastraat.

June 2017

*note: Family members of other casualties with a (shot)wound on the left hip, the photos were also presented; but they saw no match.


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