During our research to victim Straatmijer we came in contact via an appeal in the Oud Amsterdammer [local newspaper] with Joop Straatmeijer (extra E). He was also at the Dam when the shooting started.
“I lived as a 10 year old little boy in Amsterdam on the other side of the IJ. There was a celebration at the Dam and I joined them. From North you could go by foot to the Central
Station. When I arrived at the Dam, suddenly there was a shooting from the Grote Club.
I ran into the Nieuwendijk and called against the hairdresser that there was a shooting. Then I quickly went home.
Until recently I know that family of mine was killed. His name was J.W. Straatmijer and had a flower stall at the Dam. He was only 44 years old.”
From our research seems that the father of the victim and the grandfather of this witness, were brothers.