* Ommen June 21 1902
† Amsterdam May 7 1945
Antje was born in Ommen, daughter of Gerrit Moeke and Hendrina Maria Schröduer. She married in Amsterdam 1929 with Jan Passchier Quant (1904-1979); out this marriage a son and daughter.
“My mother died at the age of 42 years. I had also gone to the Dam with a friend, but we thought it was too crowded. We left and went fishing. When we returned home we heard that my mother had gone to the Dam with a neighbor. The neighbor had come back, my mother had not. I was 14 years old. When the shooting started my mother and the neighbor ran from the Dam to the Nieuwendijk. There, near the present C&A clothing store, she was shot in the neck. The bullet hit an artery. She was taken to the Binnen Gasthuis hospital on a carrier bicycle or handcart. There or en route she died. My little sister of 13 had been sent to Winschoten during the famine in the winter of 1944 and she was still there at the time of my mother’s accident. I could still write a book about our situation during the liberation. This is the first time I can express myself about this. I never had any contact with anyone about this liberation. I missed my mother very very much.”
Kees Quant

Jan Passchier Quant and Antje Moeke October 8 1929
Antje Quant-Moeke is buried at the cemetery Buiksloot in Amsterdam.
Mijn moeder, Wilhelmina Onderweegs-Moeke vertelde me van deze tragedie. Dan ben je door de ellende van 5 jaar oorlogsbezetting en hongerwinter gekomen en dan gebeurt zo iets…wat ontzettend oneerlijk is het leven toch.