English Blog

M.S. Oxley

On May 7, 1945, a shooting incident in Amsterdam between armed German soldiers and the N.B.S. resulted in 22 civilian deaths and 125 injuries. Firing began with unknown shots at the Dam square. Major Overhoff of the N.B.S. played a key role in restoring order, risking his life to prevent further casualties.

Scouts at the Dam

In the television broadcast Na de Bevrijding (After the Liberation) of February 14 2014 with the title “Lost Youth”, there was a review of May 7 1945 at the Dam about the role of the scouting. The ‘Dunnewoldgroup’ was under the command of Scoutmaster B.O. van den… (READ MORE)

Rika Overdijk – Rita

Rika Overdijk was only 12 years old when she was killed on the Dam by bullets on May 7 at 3 pm. She was the only child of an electrician named Dirk Overdijk (1902-1977) and his wife Rimkien Ossel (born 1901). The family lived at Barentszstraat 32 on the third floor.