Kees Quant

My mother is number 27 of the list: Antje Moeke, this was her maiden name. She was married with Jan Quant (1929). Her age was 42 years when she passed away. I also went with a friend to the Dam… (READ MORE)
My mother is number 27 of the list: Antje Moeke, this was her maiden name. She was married with Jan Quant (1929). Her age was 42 years when she passed away. I also went with a friend to the Dam… (READ MORE)
AMSTERDAM, DEN 7. MAI 1945 BERICHT BETRIFFT: VORGÄNGE IN AMSTERDAM IN DER GEGEND ZWISCHEN DAM UND DEM CENTRAL-BAHNHOF AM 7. MAI 1945 Am 7. Mai 1945 gegen 15.00 Uhr bekam ich vom Wehrmachtkommandanten Herrn Obersleutn. Dr. Schröder Befehl, mich mit… (READ MORE)
Klazien Schreuders-Kolk was 17 years old when she witnessed the shooting on the Dam. She was there with her friends. Her brother, in the meantime deceased, found himself on the roof above the entrance of the Nieuwe Kerk. He managed… (READ MORE)
Shooting on the Dam, May 7 1945 Officaly World War II ended at Saturday May 5 1945, but some lost groups of Germans didn’t believe that. Also a group of the Kriegsmarine in the Groote Club (on the corner Paleisstraat/Dam/Kalverstraat),… (READ MORE)
No, it wasn’t me that lady behind the lamp post, I was laying behind the right kiosk. Your picture of the shooting on the Dam on May 7 1945 brought the memories back of that day. I was just going… (READ MORE)
We were 17 years old, my twin sister and I. In the evening of May 4 1945 we sat with our family in the house after ‘sperrzeit’, in the Witte de Withstraat in Amsterdam-West, when suddenly it became noisy. It… (READ MORE)
In behalf of De Dam, 7 mei 1945 conversation with Jopie Kamstra-Schnater, at that time the girl next door of Jurrianus Lambertus Stad. Recently she read the article in the Noord-Hollands Dagblad of June 13th 2013 in which some names… (READ MORE)
I was 2,5 years old and stood at the corner Nieuwendijk/Dam near the ice cream car were I just had one. Immediately my ice cream fell out of my hand and I was very disappointed. People ran away or stood… (READ MORE)
May 7 1945 A dramatic liberation day. A true story, from the memory of a bar woman from Amsterdam: Berendina Annagina Meijer. Born: January 10 1918 in Ontstwedde Married: Octobre 10 1940 in Amsterdam, and became then Dien Nieuwmeijer-Meijer. Everybody… (READ MORE)
Fredericus Johannes (Frits) Budde and Theodora Maria Sötebeer had three sons and one daughter. One of their sons, Fredericus (Herman) Josephus Budde, married Klasina Kok from Zaandam in 1937. They moved to Zieseniskade 21-2 in November 1944.
Freddy died on the Dam on May 7 at 3 pm due to gunshot wounds. He was 29 years old.
Central Station Amsterdam, May 7 1945 This incident is not very familiar, two days after the liberation two Dutch soldiers were killed by German bullets. Mentioned below is as good as possible a description on the foundation of the few… (READ MORE)
* Amsterdam August 19 1929 † Amsterdam May 7 1945 Geertruida Boelen was only 15 years when she died by bullets at May 7th 1945 on the Dam. Here parents were Jilt Boelen (1898-1984) and Geertruida Feijten (1902-1967). They lived… (READ MORE)
Han Hutjes (1926) fled with his parents out Arnhem after Operation”Market Garden”, they came walking with a wooden chart to Amsterdam. They found shelter by family(Admiraal de Ruyterweg). That family was close friends with my parents. Because we were of… (READ MORE)
Oostzaan He was 17 years old. Walked on May 7 1945 with two neighbour girls and a neighbor boy from Ransdorp to the Dam to see the allies. Cor found himself in a gunfight from a German machine-gun.”Prrrt,prrrrt,sounds it. Chaos,… (READ MORE)
On May 7 1945 we went with a group of children (between 7 and 14 years old) from the Balistraat via the Plantage to the Dam. I was a little boy of 7 years old. Because the Dam was crowded… (READ MORE)
My husband Paulus Koning was also present at the Dam. First he sat on top of the kiosk, but when the shooting started he fell on the ground of fright. (That kiosk was quite high. Afterwards it was broken down)… (READ MORE)
I was going on the bike to the city centre to take part of the celebration a day after the liberation. My daughter Saskia stayed at home under the care of my sister in law who lived in my home…. (READ MORE)
I was born in 1927. On May 7 1945 I walked through the Kalverstraat and arrived on the Dam, there was a fence with barbed wire and a small passage. In front of it stood German Marines, they were teased… (READ MORE)
At May 7 1945, there would be held a speech by some high authority at the Dam, who also would welcome the first allied. I wanted to see that and I went there. The Dam was crowded with people and… (READ MORE)
Suddenly it happened. From the Grote Club at the corner of the Dam and the Kalverstraat there was a shooting by Germans who were left behind and who didn’t accept the capitulation. Behind the Palace German marines refused to disarm. When… (READ MORE)
Peace At May 4 in the evening 09:00pm the south part of Amsterdam was raising hell. There was a so-called peace. The people were hunt inside with gun shots. Saturday May 5 08:00am, the capitulation was a fact for the… (READ MORE)
May 7 1945 Shooting at the Dam from the Groote Club The Krijtberg Church (St. Franciscus Xaverius) at the Singel in Amsterdam had founded for many years before the war started, a scouting group. After the capitulation in May 1940… (READ MORE)
De Spiegel, May 7 1955 On that notorious May 7th I had made an appointment, which will stay with me for the rest of my life. In the disturbance of the festivities of the liberation we had missed each other… (READ MORE)
Herewith I will let you know that I was a witness of the Dam-shooting in 1945. Together with my colleague I went to the Dam. There was no activity. Through the Paleisstraat to the N.Z. Voorburgwal. But behind the Grote… (READ MORE)
There were many photographers present at the Dam and surroundings. Several were member of “The hidden Camera” Puck Voute Wiel van der Randen Cas Oorthuys Bertus Haanstra Wil F. Leijns Hans Sibbelee Carel Blazer Charles Breyer J.A. Fernhout J.W. Jongkind… (READ MORE)
REGIONAL COMMANDER-BATTLE PART-DOMESTIC ARMED FORCES DISTRICT 10 Charge Concerning the incident on the Dam in the centre of the city Amsterdam on May 7 1945 In the afternoon of May 7 I found myself, C.F.Overhoff, Regional Commander of the Battle… (READ MORE)
* Landsmeer September 7 1924 † Amsterdam May 7 1945 “Here rest our dear daughter and sister Hilligje Mastenbroek 20 year of age. From remembrance of friends and acquaintances.” A tombstone with this words stood for years on the cemetery… (READ MORE)
Amsterdam, May 7 1945 I had hidden and joined by the Domestic Armed Forces. On a day we reported us by commander Oosterbeek, I think it was in the Doelenstraat nearby the Turfmark. With quiet a few man we went… (READ MORE)
On May 7 the Canadians would come at last, so I went to the Dam to greet them. The “Armed Forces” were a disappointment: a few stretcher-bearers, trucks and a luxury jeep with VIP’s. The Dam was getting crowded with… (READ MORE)
* Ommen June 21 1902 † Amsterdam May 7 1945 Antje was born in Ommen, daughter of Gerrit Moeke and Hendrina Maria Schröduer. She married in Amsterdam 1929 with Jan Passchier Quant (1904-1979); out this marriage a son and daughter…. (READ MORE)
* Amsterdam April 18 1902 † Amsterdam May 7 1945 Elisabeth Lacourt was the daughter of street organ players Wilhelm Frederik Lacourt and Elisabeth Schuijt. She was married to Hendrik Stephanus Wieland. She lived in the Willemsstraat with her husband… (READ MORE)
I was a child when I was on the Dam with my father. The only thing I remember are the soldiers with their machine-gun on the roof of the Groote Club, we were standing next to the Bijenkorf. When the… (READ MORE)
I became emotional when I read the column where Tony van der Meulen mentioned the German shooting on the Dam on May 7 1945 in comparison with the incident on May 4 2010. During that devastating incident, I (85) was… (READ MORE)
As a 15 year old boy, I witnessed the shooting on the Dam, May 7th 1945, in the newspaper of tuesday May 7th 2013, attention was paid to the incident. I stood, with hundreds of other people, in the centre… (READ MORE)
Johannes (Joop) Willem Straatmijer, Hendrik and Anna Geertruida Stradmeijer’s son, had a flower and plant stall at the Lindengracht market, and probably also at the Dam on May 7, 1945. He was 44 when he died that day at 3.15 pm as a result of multiple gunshot wounds.
Joop was married to Henriette Catharina Jansen 1905-1977 and they had one son; the family lived at Tweede Nassaustraat 13-1. After her husband’s death, Anna married Evert Johannes Siebers 1901-1952.
My parents (87 & 91 years old) were on the Dam when the shooting started. Her life is unintentionally saved by the man who was running behind her in to the Nieuwendijk. He caught the bullets on him that were… (READ MORE)
My mother, she was 18 years old (she never talks about it) was along with her cousin Liesje (Elisabeth de Boer) on the Dam when the shooting started. She pulled Liesje behind a wooden flat cart and when the shooting stopped,… (READ MORE)
I was only 3 years and 4 months old,I was with my mother on the Dam ,we were laying down behind a lamp post. You just see my little legs, my stroller disappeared in the chaos.
It happened on May 7 at the Dam, where it was crowded. Barrel organ music. Pulpit. Suddenly shooting from the Groote Club. No panic, which lasted a few seconds before dead and wounded fell and the exodus began. BS’er with… (READ MORE)
De Dam shooting May 7th 1945 This post is going to be a little history lesson and personal story of my family. As you all know the 4th of May we remember the casualties of WWII. On the 5th of… (READ MORE)